domenica 29 agosto 2010

[WII] Hexen Wii v0.5

Arikado ha aggiorna il suo porting dello sparatutto "Hexen" per Wii.


[WII] TetWiis v1.0

Pembo ha aggiornato il suo adattamento del Tetris per Wii. Changelog:

  • Enlarged Game field – game over is much closer to the top now.

  • High Score Table

  • Warning sound when you near the top of the game field

  • Implemented key repeat so you can hold down the D-PAD rather than continuously pressing

  • Sound options now saved

  • IOS58/USB Support through HBC 1.08

  • In game Sound looping improved

  • Classic Controller Support

  • Various bug fixes


[DS] PacMan E 0.92 Alpha

Metatarsal ha rilasciato una nuova versione del suo adattamento del Pacman per DS.


giovedì 26 agosto 2010

[WII] DeSmuME Wii r200

I coders Dancinninja, scanff, firnis, baby.lueshi e Arikado hanno rilasciato una nuova versione del DeSmuME, porting dell’emulatore DS Windows per Wii! Changelog:
Got the matrices to stop throwing DSI errors. The stack more closely resembles
the "Vanilla" version. Right now, 3D is black, but at least it compiles and runs
without crashing.


CycloDS Evolution BETA Firmware vB.4

Il team Cyclops ha rilasciato una nuova versione beta per il firmware della CycloDS Evolution. Changelog:

  • Cheat GUI fixes

  • The cheat selection screen is displayed after enabling cheats for a game

  • Fixed copy/paste bug

  • Text viewer colours from skin also applied to in-game text viewer

  • Added <lockBrowseRootPath> setting to XML configuration file. When enabled, the browser will not be able to navigate to parent directories of the path specified in <browseRootPath>. When disabled, the browser will start at the root directory specified but will allow navigation to parent directories, as was the behaviour in previous firmware releases.

  • Item list dialogs (settings, context menu) now wrap to top/bottom

  • Added multiple save slot support for GBA games

  • Option to remove related files when deleting NDS game now also available from settings menu (was previously only available as XML setting)

  • Restored old cheat prompt behaviour

  • Restored old game list scrolling speed

  • Various small GUI bugs fixed

  • Game compatibility fixes (DSi 0058)


mercoledì 25 agosto 2010

[DS] Esecuzione di homebrew in DSi Mode Riuscita!

Dave J Murphy l'anno scorso scoprì due exploit per i giochi "DSi Hibryd" Cooking Coach e Classic Word Games ma non riuscì a sfruttarli per bucare la console. Oggi invece Dave ha rilasciato DSi Link, un homebrew che ci permette l'upload di homebrew sul nostro DSi tramite l'utilizzo della connessione Wi-Fi. Per fare ciò abbiamo bisogno di:

  • Un Nintendo DSi/DSi XL

  • Una copia originale di "Cooking Coach" o di "Classic Word Games"

  • Una Flashcard DSi

  • L'homebrew Eepinator od un metodo come il NDS Adapter per trasferire salvataggi su una cartuggia originale.

Ma c'è anche una brutta notizia che viene evidenziata dal readme: alcuni degli ultimi DSi prodotti presentano delle modifiche di sicurezza che non permettono l'esecuzione del codice in questione. Quindi non a tutti l'homebrew potrebbe funzionare. Inoltre questo homebrew può invalidare la garanzia e potrebbe arrecare danni alla vostra console, noi non ci assumiamo alcuna responsabilità! Di seguito il readme dello sviluppatore:


dslink is a simple and effective method to transfer homebrew games and applications to your DS(i) over wifi. Simply run dslink.nds on your DS console, wait for it to connect and use the command line dslink host tool to send an nds file.
	dslink [-a ip address] <ndsfile>

The dslink host uses UDP broadcast messages to discover your DS but this won't work for some people due to routers either not passing on these packets or sending them at a speed the DS can't read. If you get "No Response from DS!" then try specifiying the ip address of your DS with the -a switch.

DSi mode

Here's the part most people will probably be interested in, homebrew running in DSi mode.

While playing around with the save game exploits for Cooking Coach and Classic Word Games I created last year I discovered two things about the flashchip on the wifi module where the firmware would be stored on a normal DS. (1) It contains only the setup data for wifi, the user settings and the wifi connection settings and, (2) Part of it is writable, from DS mode. This was what finally gave me the motivation to revisit an old project to upload homebrew to the DS over wifi.

installDSiLink.nds will, when run from a DSi compatible card in DS mode, write the dslink client to the wifi flash chip and this can then be bootstrapped from the save game exploits mentioned above. You'll need to write the appropriate .SAV file from this archive to your game of choice from either a DS with eepinator or use one of the save game transfer devices around. Cooking Coach is more convenient since the exploit kicks in just after the splash screen, with Classic Word Games you need to go through a couple of menu options.

Unfortunately testing revealed that later model DSi and XL consoles have had their security beefed up a little. You'll know if you have one of these consoles if either the installer fails to write the loader or the loader fails to connect when bootstrapped. Sorry if you have one of these consoles, you'll have to wait a little bit longer to play with DSi mode.

libnds still needs some more updating to deal with DSi mode features, currently audio and touchscreen don't work and the swi decompression functions seem to have changed. Hopefully now there's a reasonably straightforward way to run code we can get a few more people looking at what we need to change and how best to approach it.

Archive Listing

  • README.html - this file.

  • VCKE.SAV - save game for Cooking Coach, US version.

  • VCKS.SAV - save game for Cooking Coach, Spanish version.

  • VCKV.SAV - save game for Cooking Coach, UK/EU version.

  • VCWE.SAV - save game for Classic Word Games, US version.

  • VCWV.SAV - save game for Classic Word Games, UK/EU version.

  • installDSiLink.nds - writes the wifi loader to the wifi flash chip on DSi.

  • dsilink.nds - DSi version of the wifi upload client.

  • dslink.nds - Standard DS version of the wifi upload client.

  • host/osx/dslink - host application compiled for Mac OSX, 10.4 universal binary.

  • host/windows/dslink.exe - host application compiled for windows

  • host/linux-x86/dslink - host application compiled for 32bit x86 linux

  • host/linux-x86_64/dslink - host application compiled for 64bit x86 linux


[DS] 2ds+ v0.5

damicha ha rilasciato una nuova versione del suo homebrew che ci permetterà di provare la tecnica 3D del "cross-viewing" sul nostro DS. Di seguito le parole dell'autore:
This is the first release of my project 2ds+.

After Nintendo announced the new NDS (3ds) I tried to show a 3D effect on the NDS by using the two display.

I implemented some rotating cubes displayed in two slightly different perspectives. If you use the “cross viewing” technique, you will see a third object in 3D.


[WII] Hypno Blast v0.1

ThatOtherPerson ha rilasciato la prima versione del suo shooter-game per Wii.


lunedì 23 agosto 2010

[DS] msxDS v0.85


Popolon ha aggiornato il suo emulatore msx, msx2 e msx2+ per DS. Changelog:

  • Added many crc32 of megarom from Korea.

  • Fixed 32KB ROM mirrors.

  • Rewrote sprites routines. (full emulation)

  • Super Pierrot mapper support.

  • Some small fix in the megaroms mappers routines.

  • Fixed status register 0 of VDP in MSX1 mode. (Zaxxon published by Electric Software works.)

  • Added Kanji BASIC support. (The a1wxkdr.rom file is now required.)

  • MSX2+ logo is displayed.

  • Use of TCM memory for several graphics routines. (msxDS is a bit faster!)

  • Double-tap on a file name to select it (and close the window).

  • Use of L and R triggers for 'Fire Ball' and 'Roller Ball' pinballs. (ROM versions only)


[WII] Heretic Wii v0.5

Arikado ha rilasciato una nuova versione del porting dello sparatutto "Heretic" creato grazie al motore "HHeretic". Changelog:
* USB Support
* GC Controller Support
* Classic Controller Support
* Wiimote and Nunchuk controls rewritten to take advantage of the Wiimotes IR
* Fixed saving and loading
* Other various bug fixes and tweaks


[DS] EZ5i Kernel v3.0 OB2

Il Team EZFlash ha rilasciato una nuova versione del kernel per EZVi. Per l'utilizzo dovrete installare il firmware 101 sulla vostra card, nel caso non lo abbiate già fatto. Changelog:
1. removed the A debug key on some game.
2. added big icon mode. just press R to switch icon mode.
3. improved save write speed. now use v101 firmware CRC calculation.
4. all default skin updated with new template.

- 2385 - Daigassou Band Brothers DX (J) = 00 patern fixed.
- 3517/3538/4356 - Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (U/E/J) = special mode no more required
- 4650 - Bookworm (U) = special mode no more required
- 4970 - Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge (U) = special mode no more required
- 5054 - Eigokoro Kyoushitsu DS = special mode no more required
- 5114 - Club Penguin EPF: Herbert's Revenge (E) = special mode no more required
- 5135 - Metal Max 3 (J) = special mode no more required
- 5138 - Myst v1.1 (U)
- 5142 - Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! DS Flame Rumble XX - Kessen! Shin 6 Chouka (J) = special mode no more required
- 5164 - Art Academy (E) = special mode no more required


[DS] EZV Kernel 2.0 RC17

Il Team EZ ha aggiornato il kernel della EZ-FLash V portandolo alla versione 2.0 RC17. Vi ricordiamo che questo kernel è compatibile solo con le EZV e non con le EZVi. Changelog:
1.Added multi-splash screen and splash screen animation capability fixes:

- 5054 - Eigokoro Kyoushitsu DS (J)
- 5114 - Club Penguin EPF: Herbert's Revenge (E)
- 5135 - Metal Max 3 (J)
- 5138 - Myst v1.1 (U)
- 5142 - Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! DS Flame Rumble XX - Kessen! Shin 6 Chouka (J)
- 5164 - Art Academy (E)


[DS] SuperCard DS TWO EOS v1.05

Il Team Supercard ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per l’EOS della DSTWO. Changelog:
1、Fixed the crush bug of Brain Age Series.
2、Fixed the crush bug of Animal Crossing Chinese translated version.
3、Added the rumble, browser funcation(set in the system menu) for slot-2 series, supports SC slot-2 carts and 3in1 cart.
4、optimized read speed.
5、added reset hotkey(Select button) for the Real-Time menu.
Note: Old version patch database can not be use in new OS.


[DS] Supercard DSOne/i/SDHC EOS 1.0 SP5

Il team Supercard ha aggiornato l’Evolution OS per DSONEi, DSONE SDHC e DSONE portandolo alla versione 1.0 SP4! Changelog:


sabato 21 agosto 2010

[WII] Scape v1.2

Sheeft ha aggiornato il suo homebrew-game d’avventura per Wii. Changelog:

Thanks to Cid2Mizard and EvilTroopa I saw there was a problem on Scape 1.1 which couldn't launch because of its weight.
So I just added the 1.2 version which fix this bug by now loading the songs from FAT.

DOWNLOAD via MediaFire

[DS] Chapas GP v1.0

Jovin ha rilasciato la prima versione stabile di Chapas GP, un'homebrew-game di corse automobilistiche per DS.


[DS] fb4nds v1.5

Lino ha rilasciato la versione 1.5 Finale di Facebook For DS. Changelog:

Final version for my homebrew, there are many fixes and new features like the avatars with the local ram, you must restart app after the changes.


[DS] Duyumania - Preview

gallosai ha rilasciato una nuova versione del suo homebrew-game per DS, un platform davvero ben sviluppato nella quale dovremo aiutare Babbo Natale a salvare i suoi folletti e a ritrovare lo spirito del natale. Questa volta non è più una demo ma una versione preview. Vi consiglio di provarlo perchè è un ottimo homebrew!

DOWNLOAD via MediaFire

[DS] Apple Assault v1.1

Pypebros aggiorna il suo simpatico homebrew-game del genere platform per DS.


[WII] TetriCycle v0.6b

calvinss4 ha aggiornato TetriCycle, remake del famoso Tetris a forma circolare.


[WII] WiiMC v1.0.9

Tantric e Rondries dopo pochi giorni dall'ultima release aggiornano WiiMC portandolo alla versione 1.09! Questo homebrew trasforma la vostra Wii in un potente media-center che vi permette di riprodurre file multimediali da SD Card, da USB Drive, da DVD e via Wi-Fi! In questa versione viene aggiunto il supporto all’IOS58, che vi ricordiamo potete installare da qui se non intendete aggiornare al firmware 4.3. Changelog:
Another day, another release? Hopefully this doesn’t become a trend. Version 1.0.9 has been released to fix the bug with USB drives not showing up. If you’re using the channel, you must be sure to have the latest channel (1.4) installed for this to work.

I’m not guaranteeing this works for everyone. If you have problems, discuss them on the forum or go back to an older version. This will be the last update for awhile.


mercoledì 18 agosto 2010

[DS] Wood RPG 1.12


Yellow Wood Goblin ha rilasciato una nuova versione del Wood RPG, firmware alternativo per Acekard. Presto uscirà il porting per R4 di questa versione :) Changelog:
• 1M, 16M, 32M, 64M save types support added.
• internal list for games with 1M, 8M, 16M, 64M saves added.
• savelistex.bin support removed. it was only for compatibility with official rpg firmware.
• directory browsing perfomance increased.
• some minor softreset fixes.

• in case when ui language changed with skin - language don't update.
• 'calendar dayx' section support added to uisettings.ini. this one similar 'calendar month' and 'calendar year', so skins can out current day too.
• added 'text' option in 'start button' section of uisettings.ini. if it value is 'ini' then real value retrieved from language file.

• 'fire emblem - shin monshou no nazo hikari to kage no eiyuu (japan)' fixed.
• 'sorcerer's apprentice, the (usa)' fixed.
• 'odoru daisousasen the game - sensuikan ni sennyuu seyo! (japan)' fixed.
• 'metal fight beyblade - bakugami susanoh shuurai! (japan)' fixed.
• 'club penguin - epf - herbert's revenge (europe)' fixed.
• 'keshikasu-kun battle castival (japan)' fixed.
• 'quiz! hexagon ii (japan)' fixed.
• 'dragon quest ix - sentinels of the starry skies (europe)' fixed.
• 'toy story 3 (usa)' fixed.
• 'imagine - babyz fashion' fixed.
• 'tv anime fairy tail - gekitou! madoushi kessen (japan)' fixed.
• 'metal max 3 (japan)' fixed.
• 'kamen rider battle - ganbaride - card battle taisen (japan)' fixed.
• 'katekyoo hitman reborn! ds - flame rumble xx - chou kessen! real 6 chouka (japan)' fixed.
• 'wizardry - boukyaku no isan (japan)' fixed.
• 'kanshuu - shuukan pro wrestling - pro wrestling kentei ds (japan)' fixed.
• 'tetris party premium (japan)' fixed.
• 'battle spirits digital starter (japan)' fixed.
• '1000 cooking recipes from elle a table (europe)' fixed.
• 'art academy (europe)' fixed.
• 'heartcatch pretty cure! - oshare collection (japan)' fixed.
• 'metal beyblade - cyber pegasis (korea)' fixed. may be.

R.P.G. specific:
• dma code rewritten.


Wood R4 1.12


Yellow Wood Goblin ha rilasciato il porting della versione 1.08 del Wood RPG per R4 Originali e M3 Simply. Changelog:
• 1M, 16M, 32M, 64M save types support added.
• internal list for games with 1M, 8M, 16M, 64M saves added.
• savelistex.bin support removed. it was only for compatibility with official rpg firmware.
• directory browsing perfomance increased.
• some minor softreset fixes.

• in case when ui language changed with skin - language don't update.
• 'calendar dayx' section support added to uisettings.ini. this one similar 'calendar month' and 'calendar year', so skins can out current day too.
• added 'text' option in 'start button' section of uisettings.ini. if it value is 'ini' then real value retrieved from language file.

• 'fire emblem - shin monshou no nazo hikari to kage no eiyuu (japan)' fixed.
• 'sorcerer's apprentice, the (usa)' fixed.
• 'odoru daisousasen the game - sensuikan ni sennyuu seyo! (japan)' fixed.
• 'metal fight beyblade - bakugami susanoh shuurai! (japan)' fixed.
• 'club penguin - epf - herbert's revenge (europe)' fixed.
• 'keshikasu-kun battle castival (japan)' fixed.
• 'quiz! hexagon ii (japan)' fixed.
• 'dragon quest ix - sentinels of the starry skies (europe)' fixed.
• 'toy story 3 (usa)' fixed.
• 'imagine - babyz fashion' fixed.
• 'tv anime fairy tail - gekitou! madoushi kessen (japan)' fixed.
• 'metal max 3 (japan)' fixed.
• 'kamen rider battle - ganbaride - card battle taisen (japan)' fixed.
• 'katekyoo hitman reborn! ds - flame rumble xx - chou kessen! real 6 chouka (japan)' fixed.
• 'wizardry - boukyaku no isan (japan)' fixed.
• 'kanshuu - shuukan pro wrestling - pro wrestling kentei ds (japan)' fixed.
• 'tetris party premium (japan)' fixed.
• 'battle spirits digital starter (japan)' fixed.
• '1000 cooking recipes from elle a table (europe)' fixed.
• 'art academy (europe)' fixed.
• 'heartcatch pretty cure! - oshare collection (japan)' fixed.
• 'metal beyblade - cyber pegasis (korea)' fixed. may be.


lunedì 16 agosto 2010

[WII] WiiMC v1.0.7

Tantric e Rondries hanno aggiornato WiiMC portandolo alla versione 1.0.4! Questo homebrew trasforma la vostra Wii in un potente media-center che vi permette di riprodurre file multimediali da SD Card, da USB Drive, da DVD e via Wi-Fi! In questa versione viene aggiunto il supporto all'IOS58, che vi ricordiamo potete installare da qui se non intendete aggiornare al firmware 4.3. Changelog:
Version 1.0.7 has been released along with an updated WiiMC Channel (no longer uses IOS202 and no longer requires a trucha-bugged IOS for installation), and brings with it many changes and improvements. Most notably, IOS202 support has been removed in favor of IOS58, YouTube support was added (this release will overwrite your onlinemedia.xml, just like 1.0.6 did), and playback of MKVs has been fixed. Full changelog:

* IOS 202 support removed
* USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added – requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
* DVD support via AHBPROT – requires latest HBC or latest WiiMC channel
* Synced to MPlayer r31961
* YouTube support (thanks to lukegb and ataraxis for some help)
* Picture zoom, rotate, pan, auto-rotate via exif data (thanks ataraxis!)
* Fixed seeking for local FLV files
* Fixed black-screen video issue with videos having widths over 1024
* Fixed playback of MKV files
* New YUV->RGB conversion in TEV for videos up to 720p (thanks sepp256!)
* Restrict video loading to 720p (1280×720)
* Enable caching of DVD CSS keys. They are written to the ‘css’ folder (created automatically).
* Fixed playback of files with mono sound
* Fixed issue with HTTP over-buffering
* Other minor improvements/corrections


domenica 15 agosto 2010

[WII] HackMii Installer 0.8 Rilasciato!

Il Team Twiizers ha rilasciato una nuova versione dell’HackMii Installer! Changelog:
HackMii Installer (v0.8 ):
IOS58 is chosen for The Homebrew Channel when installed. This is required for USB2 support. Other IOS versions are of course still supported, but USB will be limited to version 1.

BootMii beta 6 (v1.3):
* Fixed the freeze when using the autoboot feature to load System Menu with a delay of zero.
* The NAND backup no longer crashes when stumbling on uncorrectable pages.
* A couple of fixes to the integrated SD browser.
* The autoboot feature is ignored when launching the IOS version of BootMii.

The Homebrew Channel (v1.0.8 ):
* General USB improvements for all IOS versions, this fixes the regression introduced in version 1.0.7.
* USB2 support through IOS58.


[DS] Swap DS

Kukulcan e Tiwaz hanno rilasciato la prima versione di Swap DS, adattamento per DS del celebre puzzle-game nella quale dovremo ricomporre l'immagine tramite il movimento dei quadretti. Possiamo anche caricare un'immagine .jpg con cui giocare!


[DS] DSx86 v0.23 Beta


Patrick Aalto ha rilasciato una nuova versione beta per DSx86, emulatore DOS per DS. Changelog:

This version has only minor fixes for specific games: Maupiti Island,
Mahjong Fantasia, Bart vs. the Space Mutants, Space Hulk and Fire & Ice.
Some other games might work better with these changes as well.


[DS] Breakout!

Il coder ds ha rilasciato un clone del gioco arcade Breakout per DS in occasione della NeoFlash Competition annuale.


[DS] LodeRunner Return v1.0

Alekmaul ha rilasciato la prima versione di LodeRunner Return, porting del gioco a piattaforme "Lode Runner" per DS.


[DS] FB4DS v1.5 Beta

Lino ha rilasciato la versione 1.5 Beta per Facebook For DS. Changelog:

  • Fixed bugs in ram disk management.

  • Fixed a bug in cyassl library (login error -12).

  • Added support for EZ 3in1 Plus. (Not tested, please report me suggestion and bugs)

  • Added new friendships request capabilities.

  • Added avatars in Notifications Feed.

  • Added support for PNG images.

  • Added support for GZIP connections.


    sabato 14 agosto 2010

    [DS] Apple Assault v1.0

    Pypebros rilascia la prima versione del suo homebrew-game del genere platform per DS.


    [DS] iPlayer GBA Emulator v1.1


    Darkchen ha aggiornato l'NDS-GBA, emulatore GBA per DS da utilizzabile esclusivamente dall'iPlayer! Changelog:

    • Added support popular cheat code file *.cht.

    • Fixed some GUI bugs

    • Added turn off down screen save power

    • Fixed some firmware bugs.


    [WII] Visual Boy Advance GX v2.2.1

    Tantric ha aggiornato il porting dell’emulatore GBA chiamato “Visual Boy Advance” per Wii. Changelog:
    * IOS 202 support removed
    * USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added - requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
    * DVD support via AHBPROT - requires latest HBC


    [WII] FCE Ultra GX v3.2.2

    Tantric ha aggiornato il porting delll’emulatore NES chiamato “FCE Ultra” per Wii. Changelog:
    * IOS 202 support removed
    * USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added – requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
    * DVD support via AHBPROT – requires latest HBC


    [WII] Snes9x GX v4.2.4

    Tantric ha aggiornato il porting delll'emulatore SNES per Windows chiamato "Snes9x" per Wii. Changelog:
    * IOS 202 support removed
    * USB 2.0 support via IOS 58 added - requires that IOS58 be pre-installed
    * DVD support via AHBPROT - requires latest HBC


    [DS] ZXDS v0.9.1 Beta 1

    Patrick Rak rilascia una nuova versione del suo emulatore ZX Spectrum per DS. Changelog:
    + Memory viewer and disassembler.
    + Tape sound is now audible in normal speed load mode (conveniently forced with R+A).
    * The system log can be saved to a file now, helpful when troubleshooting.
    * Cleaned up the virtual directory code, greatly reducing the amount of required IO accesses.
    * Changed the confusing bouncing logic of previous displays' history to simple LRU.
    * Fixed the annoying sound clicks when sound is temporarily paused (e.g., scrolling in requesters).
    * Minor bugfixes in download code (HTTP continuation lines, last line EOL in listings).
    ! Dedicated to the memory of Jonathan Smith. Rest in Peace, Joffa.


    [WII] HHexen v1.0

    Hermes ha rilasciato la prima versione del suo porting del gioco "Hexen" (uno sparatutto in prima persona) per Wii. Per la creazione è stato utilizzato il motore Open-Source "HHexen"


    venerdì 13 agosto 2010

    [WII] IOS58 Installer

    Tantric ha rilasciato l'IOS58 Installer, homebrew che scarica dai server Nintendo l'IOS58 (disponibile già con il Firmware 4.3)  e lo installa sulla nostra Wii.

    Quali sono i benefici dell'installazione?

    Grazie all'installazione dell'IOS58 la Wii sarà abilitata ad utilizzare la velocità di trasferimento dati USB 2.0 per le periferiche di gioco che lo richiedono.

    Ho già installato il Firmware 4.3; L'IOS58 è già installato?


    Corro rischi utilizzando questo homebrew?

    L'installazione dell'IOS58 non va a toccare parti pericolose del sistema, quindi anche se otterrete errore vi basterà ri-provare o aggiornare al firmware 4.3! In ogni caso noi non ci assumiamo nessuna responsabilità per danni arrecati alla vostra console.


    [DS] DS1942 v1.2

    Copper ha aggiornato il suo emulatore del gioco arcade "1942". Con questa versione possiamo anche caricare le ROMS del MAME nel formato .zip!  Changelog:
    * Version compilée avec libnds 1.4.5+ et devkitarm R31
    * Sauvegarde / chargement de l'état de l'emulateur
    * Nouveau jeu 1942abl ajouté
    * Ecran titre & menu par progds


    [WII] Super Mario War Wii v1.4

    Tantric aggiorna il porting di Super Mario War per Wii. Per chi non lo conoscesse, Super Mario War è un gioco del genere platform ispirato al celebre Super Mario e a mio parere e ben fatto! Changelog:
    * Fresh compile with latest libogc improvements
    * USB 2.0 via IOS58 support. Requires that IOS58 be pre-installed.

    Super Mario War Wii

    [WII] DOSBox Wii 1.4

    Karl KennerTantric aggiornano il porting del DOSBox per Wii portandolo alla versione 1.4. Vi ricordiamo che per l’uso dell’homebrew è richiesta una tastiera usb. Changelog:

    • Updated to latest DOSBox SVN

    • USB 2.0 via IOS58 support. Requires that IOS58 be pre-installed.

    • Improved USB keyboard/mouse support


    mercoledì 11 agosto 2010

    [WII] BlueMSX Wii v1.0.2

    Viene aggiornao l'emulatore MSX per Wii. Di seguito il changelog:

    * Updated devkitPPC (R21) and libogc (1.8.3)
    * Fixed vertical offset bug on NTSC wiis.
    * Fixed glitches in sound playback.
    * Improved audio, pause instead of hick on changing disks.
    * Reduced average audio lag from 85ms to 21ms, about the same as video lag now.
    * Greatly improved audio frequency stability.
    * Fixed issue with button mapping introduced in V1.0.1.
    * Gui coordinate fixes, not correctly centered since V1.0.1.
    * Small update in build-in gamepack.


    [DS] Super Smash Bros Crash! DS Demo 7

    Super Smash Bros Crash

    Miguel28 ha aggiornato il suo homebrew-game ispirato al celebre Super Smash Bros Brawl di Nintendo. Changelog:
    1. Nettoyage du code
    2. Agreglado l'CPU2
    3. Meilleure utilisation de la mémoire RAM
    4. Agreglado une erreur avec les effets des dommages
    5. Le Final Smash est annulée lorsque vous recevez KO.
    6. Vous pouvez mettre en pause et de prendre des photos pour un Final Smash
    7. Détention de l'échec du démarrage du jeu (montrer moins j'ai mis le dossier dans le SSBDS root, et s'il ya un problème avec le système FAT).


    martedì 10 agosto 2010

    [DS] Jazzier Suite 2.0

    Gaz aggiorna il suo homebrew musicale che ci permette di usare un metronomo, utilizzare un piano e ascoltare le varie tonalità musicali.


    [WII] Nuovo Exploit: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Wheelie Breaker (PAL)!

    ichfly ha scovato un bug nella gestione dei salvataggi del gioco Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Wheelie Breaker (versione PAL) ed è riuscito a sfruttarlo per l'avvio di codice non firmato. Per l'utilizzo infatti bisogna utilizzare un salvataggio modificato che ci permetterà di avviare codice non firmato tra cui l'Hackmii Installer tramite un qualsiasi Homebrew Loader! L'exploit è ancora in lavorazione e la versione rilasciata è un alpha, quindi state attenti! Noi non ci assumiamo nessuna responsabilità per danni arrecati alla vostra console Wii.

    DOWNLOAD (Exploit + Sorgenti)

    lunedì 9 agosto 2010

    [WII] I/S Wad 2.6

    Snouki ha aggiornato I/S Wad portandolo alla versione 2.6. Questa applicazione è un'alternativa al Wad Manager di Waninkoko e ci permette di installare e disinstallare file .wad! Changelog:
    - Compatible cios rev20 (le choix de l'emplacement de l'ios se fait sur le fichier de configuration)
    - Changement du background
    - Correction de l'erreur d'installation d'un wad
    - Refonte du code
    - Ajout de phrase d'aide tout au long de l'installation
    - Changement des couleurs
    - Correction du code dump
    - Musique supprimée pour gagner de la place


    [DS] Agility

    Il coder Ryan rilascia la prima versione di Agility, un puzzle-game per DS creato con DSGameMaker


    [DS] WinDS PRO 2010.8.03

    Viene Aggiornato WinDS PRO DSi, applicazione per Windows che racchiude al suo interno emulatori e tool per nds e gba. Nota: viene consigliato di disinstallare la vecchia versione prima di far partire l’installer! Changelog:
    --Mejorada la instalación y configuración de Skins (windsproskin)
    - Mejorada la verificación de actualización de WinDS PRO (1 vez al dia al iniciar WinDS PRO)
    - Nuevos Skins Kingdom Hearts y Los Simpsons (Ver en las Opciones [F2])
    - Nuevo USRCHEAT.DAT 25th July 2010 (Para NO$Zoomer)
    - Nuevo DeSmuME SVN r3730 (Windows 32 bit y Windows 64 bit)


    sabato 7 agosto 2010

    [DS] Supercard DS TWO EOS 1.0.4

    Il Team Supercard ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per l’EOS della DSTWO. Changelog:
    1、Fixed 0396, 5140 Galaxy Racers reading save data error problem.
    2、Fixed 0856 Bleach 2nd can not save problem.
    3、Fixed 5116 Keshikasu Japanese version (clean mode).
    4、Fixed the cheat code blank list problem in some games.
    5、Added GBA linkage function.
    Q: How to use GBA linkage function?
    A: Usage: NAME.nds, NAME.nds.gba, NAME.nds.gba.sav. These three files are DS game file, GBA game file, GBA game save. NAME which can be user defined. This feature is selected by the user to open, choose the interface in the start menu, select System Settings option.
    6、Added the WII linkage functions.
    7、The main menu by using cyclic mode.
    8、Added support ez3 in 1, superCard lite, superCard MINI SD, superCard SD, superCard CF.
    9、Update Korean language package.
    10、Added prevent halt in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin.
    Note: Old version patch database can not be use in new OS.


    [DS] Supercard DSOne/i/SDHC EOS 1.0 SP4

    Il team Supercard ha aggiornato l'Evolution OS per DSONEi, DSONE SDHC e DSONE portandolo alla versione 1.0 SP4! Changelog:


    venerdì 6 agosto 2010

    [WII] SaveGame Manager GX r81 + Forwarder v3

    Viene aggiornato il SaveGame Manger GX e il relativo Forwarder dei coder dj_skual Giantpune che giunge alla versione r81. Grazie a questo homebrew possiamo gestire i salvataggi presenti nella nostra Wii. Changelog:

    * Added WiiTDB Support for SaveGame Titles:
    - Support .xml/.zip formats
    - Added WiiTDB Settings in SettingsPrompt
    - Update the WiiTDB directly from WiiTDB Settings
    - Added Update WiiTDB option in UpdateSettings to update with the
    - Required WiiTDB download link: "" (if
    your Wii is not connected)

    * USB2.0 support added if cIOS202 is installed


    [WII] DeSmuME Wii r193

    I coders Dancinninja, scanff, firnis, baby.lueshi e Arikado hanno aggiornato il DeSmuME Wii, porting dell'emulatore DS multipiattaforma. Changelog:
    A complete overhaul of the texture management system, eliminating many needless
    functions, variables, and structures, in favor of a simple class. Z-buffering
    has been added. Textures and alpha transparency have been improved.


    [WII] Rezerwar v0.2

    Tamentis aggiorna il suo adattamento del puzzle-game multipiattaforma "Rezerwar" per Wii! Di seguito la descrizione del gioco:
    rezerwar is a puzzle game that could be described as the illegitimate child of a known tetromino game and the average pipe game. It runs on Linux, Windows, Nintendo Wii (homebrew), FreeBSD, Amiga OS, etc. The whole game was created with open-source software including graphics, sounds and musics. Feel free to contribute.