domenica 22 novembre 2009

The 15th Floor (19/11/09)

The 15th Floor

tombot aggiorna il suo homebrew The 15th Floor, un homebrew-game inspirato al famoso gioco per ds Hotel Dusk
Here's a pretty significant update.

I'm considering Chapter 2 completed. Knocking out a couple bugs and inventory mishaps, but overall it seems pretty stable. I've adding a couple more puzzle mechanics to the room which seem to work fairly well. Very confident on wrapping up this project soon.

Let me know if you find any bugs as usual. Any suggestions are also welcome as always, but the general mechanics need to stay the same. Too late to turn back now and do a complete overhaul of the engine.

Anywho, check out the update on my first post. I'm pretty sure you'll figure out where it ends. Don't want to spoil it for anyone.

Next update includes glitch fix when combining items/leaving inventory and final chapter.

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