martedì 3 agosto 2010

[WII] cIOSX Rev20b Rilasciato!

Waninkoko ha rilasciato la revisione n°20 del suo cIOSX! Questa revisione porta con se numerose novità. Vi ricordiamo che questo homebrew agisce sulla NAND della Wii. Non ci assumiamo nessuna responsabilità per danni arrecati alla vostra console. nessunChangelog:

- Added support for IOS36, IOS53, IOS55, IOS56, IOS61 and IOS80.
- Updated the bases IOS37, IOS38 and IOS57.
- The installer now supports GameCube controls.
- The installer now supports custom slots.
- The installer network code improved.
- Fixed timers IOS modules.
- Modulo MLoad improved (new calls and corrections).
- FAT module rewritten (using FatFs).
- Enhanced Module SDHC (buffers and cache).
- Improved DIP plug.
- ES plugin added.
- Improved plugin FFS.
- Implemented blocking IOS reload (only works properly with DVD titles).
- The titles identified can not use custom modules.
- Improved NAND Emulator (corrections and use of new module FAT).
- Protection of MEM2 disabled by default.
- Set the flag AHBPROT for access to HW from the PPC.
- Easter Egg added.
- Corrections and improvements.


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