Patrick Aalto aggiorna DSx86, che permette di emulare alcune vecchie glorie per dos sul DS.
This version mostly improves the EGA support, but it also has the following changes:
- New keyboard graphics by L.D. Ash from
- The meaning of the debugger "G" and the NDS "B" button has been
swapped. Thus, you get the keyboard back after going to the
debugger with the B button, and touching G and V stays in the
debugger screen.
- Shoulder L and R buttons scroll the zoomed screen horizontally,
unless they are mapped to PC keys in the INI file.
- New "HDD led" on the bottom screen, so you can see when
the game accesses the SD card.
- The unknown INT10 call in Prince of Persia is now ignored.
- Several TEXT mode opcodes have been added, based on the debug logs.
This version has no improvements to the unsupported INT calls.
I plan to work on those for the next version.
Le istruzioni per usarlo:
Scaricate il file .nds
- Scaricate tutti questi file: (è indispensabile il file, gli altri potete metterli per usare tutte le funzioni di 4dos)
- inserite questi file nella cartella /data/dsx86/4dos/ (va creata)
- scaricate questo file:
- mettetelo nella cartella /data/dsx86/ (va creata)
- ora avviatelo, dirigetevi nella cartella contenente i giochi con il comando cd e avviate un gioco digitandone il nome
e infine i giochi supportati:
- LineWars II
- Paratrooper
- Wing Commander II
- Solar Winds
- Leisure Suit Larry 3
- Tiny Editor 1.7
- Space Quest 4
- Galactic Battle
- Duke Nukem 2
- Duke Nukem 1
- Elite
- Sopwith 1
- Commander Keen 4
- Leaderboard Golf
- Swap
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