lunedì 31 maggio 2010

[DS] Pokemon Battle 0.8 PreAlpha

Blabla ha aggiornato il  homebrew-game per DS del genere RPG dedicato ai Pokemon.
Questo homebrew è programmato in lua, perciò avrete bisogno di micro lua
v3 o di nano lua.
Changement du moteur de combat , il est bien meilleur que son prÈdÈcesseur mais
vous n'aurez plus les traductions.
De plus, les effets sonores ne sont pas encore mis et L'adversaire n'a seulement qu'une attaque.
Mais je maitrise cette fois complËtement la VRAM et donc vous aurez droit ‡ de meilleur graphismes.
Attendez la version 0.8 beta et vous verrez!


[WII] PixelPlot 1.0.0

Morukutsu ha rilasciato la prima versione di PixelPlot un homebrew-game per Wii nella quale dovremo aiutare il re Pixel ha trovare il PixOls, il suo cibo preferito.


[WII] Scape 0.5

Sheeft ha aggiornato il suo homebrew-game d'avventura per Wii. Changelog tradotto:

  • Small movements of recasting Me is now heavier than before.

  • Correction of accents in some levels

  • Last levels redone


[WII] USB Loader GX r935

Viene aggiornata la versione alternativa dell'USB Loader 1.1 per Wii di Wanikoko da dimok, nIxxx e cyrex. Changelog tradotto:

Rev 935
- Aggiunto il patch automatico per Prince of Persia. Questa opzione viene disabilitata se si dispone di un file .wip per il gioco.
- Pulito il codice dell'apploader


[WII] Wiiflow 1.1 Rev43

Hibernatus ha aggiornato il suo loader di backup per Wii che riprende la grafica dell'interfaccia grafica "Cover Flow" creata da Apple! Changelog:
- Fixed bug Covers (finally)!
- Adding unnecessary features video (created by Dimok, btw)
- Added a patch for Prince of Persia (you must still put options disable_dvd_patch = yes and 0 = Returnto wiiflow.ini file, under [GAMEID])
- Fix patches WIP (Dimok)
- Install now install all the partitions (as it was before)
- Added patch Giantpune to return to a chain (in addition Returnto = wiiflow.ini in [GENERAL])
- Added initial support for fanart (by Miigotu). Only background images are supported for now, put in your file fanart / background. Wiiflow puts / background after the variable in dir_fanart wiiflow.ini. Do not / background here!)
- Added id's Game 4 characters in URL's to download
- Disable the installation on NTFS drives
- Fixed installation of games on players WBFS
- Change files to use and fs usbstorage those of CFG Loader USB
- Fixed minor bug with the reload of the IOS and NTFS partitions / WBFS
- Turn on the output of the debug info Cios 249 with gecko
- Small change in the Italian language



domenica 30 maggio 2010

Comunicazione di Servizio (30/5/2010)

Cari lettori,
da oggi Homebrew DS tratterà le news sia per DS sia per Wii! Non preoccupatevi per le news per DS, questa novità non ridurrà in alcun modo :) Con questo cambiamento vogliamo diventare il miglior sito italiano dedicato all'hacking Nintendo. Speriamo che questa novità venga apprezzata da tutti voi, fateci sapere cosa ne pensate nei commenti! D'ora in poi pubblicheremo anche recensioni, guide e videoreview dedicati alla Wii. E intanto il nuovo sito si avvicina...


[WII] SwingBall 1.0

ThatOtherPerson ha rilasciato la prima versione del suo homebrew-game del genere Platform per Wii.

DOWNLOAD via Megaupload
DOWNLOAD Via DepositFiles
DOWNLOAD via ZShared

South Africa World Cup 2010 DS Manager 1.00

Il Coder Francese Cid2Mizard (che rispetto molto per la passione verso gli homebrew che condividiamo) ha rilasciato la prima versione di South Africa World Cup 2010 DS Manager, un'homebrew dedicato al calcio per DS! Di seguito il changelog tradotto:
Version 1.00 (28-05-2010)
- Support DLDI.
- Automatic backup.
- 5 languages (English, French, German, Spanish and Italian).
- Manual management scores.
- Hours, dates, places of 64 games.
- Automatic classification of hens.
- Automatic qualification (hens and finals).
- Updated results via a WiFi connection.
- Photos and information (city, capacity, construction, architects) of the 10 stages.
- Photos and information (Coach, founded in, number of holdings, number of title world champion, fifa ranking, color jerseys) of 32 teams


[WII] WiiXplorer r165

Dimok ha aggiornato WiiXplorer portandolo alla rev 165. Questo homebrew è un potente file-manager per Wii che supporta le schede SD, le Pendrive USB, il protocollo SMB, i DVD e il WiiDisk. Di seguito il changelog:

  • Initial MusicPlayer commit. If you find bugs, please report them in the issue section. Adding a slide in/out effect for the PlayList is under construction.

  • Added a cool Video Cutoff calculation which cuts off the unneeded video. It allows you to ZoomIn as much as you want without any glitches. I tested constant zooming with it for about 2 mins without any graphical glitches.

  • Removed ZoomLimit for ImageViewer and PDFViewer since it's not needed anymore.

  • Fixed the alignment of the Settings Values

  • Renamed a few Settings.

  • Added a Share Disconnection Option for each SMB Share and a Client Disconnect Option for each FTP Client

Di seguito la lista delle features:
* USB2 support with cIOS202 installed
* SMB/USB/SD/DVD recursive copy/move/delete
of files/directories with all files in it
* FAT and NTFS files systems support
* Rename files/directories
* Properties of files/directories
* Browse through SD/USB/SMB/DVD/WiiDisk
* Addressbar with path
* Multilanguage with custom font support
* Boot .dol/.elf files
* Playback Wii/GC Game Videos
* Supported Image Formats:
* Imageoperations zoom/slideshow
* Image converter which converts the
supported formats to:
* Screenshot support at any point of the app
in different formats
* ZIP/7zip/BNR/U8Archive/RARC browsing and decompressing
* Rar browsing
* Properties of archive files
* Textediting support
* PDF Viewing support
* Integrated FTP Server and FTP Client
* Music Player
* Auto-Update feature


[WII] Sneek Installer 0.1 Beta 2

Crediar ha aggiornato lo Sneek Installer portandolo alla versione 0.1 Beta 02. Questa applicazioni per Windows ci permetterà di installare l'utility per Wii Sneek su una SD in pochi passi!


[WII] I/S Wad 2.5

Snouki ha aggiornato I/S Wad portandolo alla versione 2.5. Questo homebrew per Wii è un'alternativa al Wad Manager di Waninkoko che ci permette di installare e disinstallare file Wad sulla nostra Wii! Vi ricordiamo che l'installazione di WAD può portare al brick della console quindi non ci assumiamo nessuna responsabilità in caso di danni a quest'ultima. Changelog:
- Compatible Cios Hermes v5.1
- Augmentation de la taille de la console (pour corriger l'affichage de la liste de wad)
- Retour aux sources en utilisant maintenant le dossier "WAD" comme dossier par défaut (peux aussi être modifié dans le fichier de configuration ;) )
- Quelques petites corrections


P.S con questa news Homebrew DS comincierà a trattare definitivamente la scena Homebrew Wii e visto che al nuovo sito manca poco ci saranno grosse novità! Stay Tuned :)

sabato 29 maggio 2010

DSOperators v0.2

WolfSpiders ha aggiornato il suo pseudo-os per DS, DSOperators che giunge così alla versione 0.2. Changelog:

Version: 0.2
-Upgraded Start Menu And Buttons
-Upgraded App/Games Icons
-Upgraded The Black Background To Make It Look Better
-Fixed Graphic Bug That Appears On The Top Left Corner Of The Start Menu
-Fixed Button Bug
-Re-arranged Date Numbers So You Can See The Other Half Of The Year Number
-Added More Physics To DSPong
-Added DSPong Serving
-Upgraded DSPong Graphics
-Fixed DSPong Bug that The Ball Gets Stuck Behind A Paddle
-Added Wifi Test To DSInfo
-Added Stopwatch
-Added Settings
-Added AM/PM Clock To Settings
-Added Screen Brightness To Settings


KnightmareDS v0.3


thermo_nono ha rilasciato la versione 0.3 di KnightmareDS, un clone di Knightmare (un gioco dell'msx del 1986) per ds.

Sito ufficiale

msxDS 0.8.3


Popolon aggiorna msxDS, un homebrew che permette di emulare msx, msx2 e msx2+ sul ds.
Fixed a bug in the management of background color for screen 0 mode.
Added tape emulation. Support CAS files with fMSX-DOS format.
Improved keyboard.
Improved folders management.

Sito ufficiale

venerdì 28 maggio 2010

Wood R4 1.08


Yellow Wood Goblin ha rilasciato il porting della versione 1.08 del Wood RPG per R4 Originali e M3 Simply. Changelog:
• fatfs core updated to 0.08.
• cheats cause slowdown in some games. fixed.
• softreset/cheats arm7 core updated.
• bug in cheat custom code processing fixed.

• 'alice in wonderland' was broke in previous version.
• soft-reset fixed in 'viva pinata - pocket paradise'.
• some lags fixed in 'ultimate mortal kombat' & 'minna no conveni (japan)'.
• 'not enought memory' bug in 'miami nights' fixed.
• 'petz - fantasy (europe)' fixed.
• 'cosmetic paradise - kirei no mahou (japan)' fixed.
• 'jam with the band (europe)' fixed. game has 32 mbyte save.
• 'prince of persia - the forgotten sands (europe)' fixed.
• 'sonny with a chance (europe)' fixed.
• 'blue dragon - awakened shadow (usa)' fixed.
• 'captain tsubasa - gekitou no kiseki (japan)' fixed.
• 'super robot taisen og saga - masou kishin - the lord of elemental (japan)' fixed.
• 'medarot ds - kabuto ver.' & 'medarot ds - kuwagata ver.' fixed.
• 'g.g series - collection+ (japan)' fixed.
• 'saka tsuku ds - world challenge 2010 (japan)' fixed.
• 'tetris party deluxe (usa)' fixed.


Wood RPG 1.08


Yellow Wood Goblin ha rilasciato una nuova versione del Wood RPG, firmware alternativo per Acekard. Presto uscirà il porting per R4 di questa versione :) Changelog:
• fatfs core updated to 0.08.
• cheats cause slowdown in some games. fixed.
• softreset/cheats arm7 core updated.
• bug in cheat custom code processing fixed.

• 'alice in wonderland' was broke in previous version.
• soft-reset fixed in 'viva pinata - pocket paradise'.
• some lags fixed in 'ultimate mortal kombat' & 'minna no conveni (japan)'.
• 'not enought memory' bug in 'miami nights' fixed.
• 'petz - fantasy (europe)' fixed.
• 'cosmetic paradise - kirei no mahou (japan)' fixed.
• 'jam with the band (europe)' fixed. game has 32 mbyte save.
• 'prince of persia - the forgotten sands (europe)' fixed.
• 'sonny with a chance (europe)' fixed.
• 'blue dragon - awakened shadow (usa)' fixed.
• 'captain tsubasa - gekitou no kiseki (japan)' fixed.
• 'super robot taisen og saga - masou kishin - the lord of elemental (japan)' fixed.
• 'medarot ds - kabuto ver.' & 'medarot ds - kuwagata ver.' fixed.
• 'g.g series - collection+ (japan)' fixed.
• 'saka tsuku ds - world challenge 2010 (japan)' fixed.
• 'tetris party deluxe (usa)' fixed.


DSTT Kernel v1.17a12_rev05 JPN Unofficial

Ashley ha rilasciato una nuova revisione per il suo Kernel non Ufficiale per DSTT. Changelog:

extinfo.dat, infolib.dat, savlib.dat updated
Fix for lates games
Cheats added updated

DOWNLOAD via Megaupload

mercoledì 26 maggio 2010

Space Impakto (26/05/2010)

relminator ha aggiornato il suo homebrew-game del genere shoot 'em up per DS :)

* Migrated the rendering engine to use the 3d core.
* Optimized the rendering a bit using GFX_VERTEX_XY instead of GFX_VERTEX_16. (depth is managed manually)
* Sprite rotation and clean stretch implemented
* Coded and BASIC(Freebasic) UV coord auto generator for my sprite images for ease of loading.


FB4DS v1.4 Beta

Lino ha rilasciato la versione 1.4 Beta per Facebook For DS. Changelog:

  • Fixed bugs in ram disk management.

  • Fixed a bug in cyassl library (login error -12).

  • Added support for EZ 3in1 Plus. (Not tested, please report me suggestion and bugs)

  • Added new friendships request capabilities.

  • Added avatars in Notifications Feed.

  • Added support for PNG images.

  • Added support for GZIP connections.


    martedì 25 maggio 2010



    Nuova versione di Woopsi, da parte di ant512.
    - Rewrote SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal again to improve accuracy.
    - Removed jumpGrip() from all slider gagdets.
    - Added setValueWithBitshift() to all slider gadgets.
    - Added getMinimumStep() to SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal.
    - Removed getValuesPerPixel() from all slider gadgets.

    Download demo
    Download sorgente

    Powder v114


    Jeff Laif aggiorna Powder, un Roguelike che giunge alla versione 114
    Help menus are no longer off by one. (Patrick Don't have one, Matt_S, Sam Spencer, Alex Marsh, Robert Barber, mattock)
    Remove potential crash when zapping wand of invisibility off map.
    Items are no longer revealed by hostiles searching.
    Status message "Searched" when you search to make it more clear you did something by searching.
    Correct lighting tests for giant mobs along with looser LOS requirements to see them.
    No longer crash if a rolling boulder kills the caster and then fills a hole.
    You can click-drag on display text to scroll it.
    Chris Lomaka's tiles have been updated with some nice new additional icons.
    Help menus are platform specific, so GBA users should no longer be taunted with stylus help, etc.
    The Akoi Meexx 10x10 and 12x12 tilesets are enabled in SDL builds. The 10x10 has had a round of manual smoothing applied to it.
    Status bar on iPhone now rotates and is hidden in landscape mode.
    iPhone now uses native keyboard controls.
    If you start the game in a room with only secret exits, you are explicitly told that there are secret exits to search for. (Eisel Mazard)

    Download NDS
    Sito ufficiale

    The Black Mage Adventure v0.65

    Fantasix ha rilasciato una nuova versione di The Black Mage Adventure, un homebrew-game sviluppato in LUA del genere RPG per DS! Questo homebrew è programmato in lua, perciò avrete bisogno di micro lua v3 o di nanolua.

    lunedì 24 maggio 2010


    Pixel Lord ha rilasciato la prima versione di Ninpic, un homebrew-game ispirato a Snake nella quale le parti che raccoglieremo andranno a colorare il disegno presente nel touchscreen.



    domenica 23 maggio 2010

    DSx86 v0.13 Beta

    Patrick Aalto ha rilasciato una nuova versione beta per DSx86, emulatore DOS per DS. Changelog:
    DSx86 v0.13 Beta Release Notes

    This version has some user interface changes, in addition to the usual
    bug fixes and support for some previously missing opcodes and INTs.

    - Improved touchpad mouse (TPM) emulation, with new configuration options:
    - TPMScroll is a boolean that determines whether the screen should
    be scrolled when the stylus moves near the screen border in
    Zoom mode.
    - TPMTap is a boolean that determines whether tapping the screen
    with the stylus is registered as a left mouse click.
    - TPMLeft determines the DS button to use for the left mouse button.
    - TPMRight determines the DS button to use for the right mouse button.
    The defaults if DSx86.ini does not have any of those set are as follows:

    - New internal commands on the DOS prompt:
    - VER with a parameter sets the DOS version number reported.
    - SETVER works like VER.
    - LOADFIX attempts to load the program above the first 64KB of RAM.
    This might help with the "Packed data corrupt" problems.
    - DEBUG starts the program into the inbuilt debugger.

    - The scrolling the Zoom modes is now smoother than before.



    sabato 22 maggio 2010

    Supercard DS TWO EOS 1.0.1

    Supercard DSTwo

    Il Team Supercard dopo pochi giorni dall'uscita della versione 1.0 ha aggiornato l'EOS della DSTWO. Changelog:
    1. Fix "Made in Ore"&"RPG Tool DS"
    2. Fix "4951 Daigasso! Band Brothers",The save is normal now
    3. Fix "4952 Prince of Persia(Black screen Error)",If you want to play,Premise is clean mode
    4. Increase capacity detect in disk for enter the game,Avoid roms generate the bad damage the game system Download&decompression


    RefleXtreme v0.1b

    bksonic ha aggiornato il su homebrew-game arcade nella quale dovremo premere un tasto del DS che verrà mostrato sul touchscreen. Di seguito le parole dell'autore:
    RefleXtreme - Work-In-Progress

    RefleXtreme is an arcade game where the goal is to execute the corresponding buttons as they enter the white box. Gradually, the game gets faster. If you miss 50 of them, it's Game Over. The key highlight of this game (in my opinion) is the online leaderboard. (I am in the process of receiving my own leaderboard for this game - right now I'm using a test leaderboard hosted by sumiguchi).


    giovedì 20 maggio 2010

    Woopsi 0.9.9


    ant512 ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento di Woopsi, che giunge alla versione 0.9.9.
    Il salto di versione dipende dal fatto che l'homebrew è praticamente completo.
    - ProgressBar text greyed out when disabled.
    - SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal ignore double clicks by default.
    - SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal only fire value changed event if value
    has really changed.
    - SliderVertical and SliderHorizontal getValue() methods are considerably
    more efficient.
    - Added libfreetype.a file to libs/libfreetype/lib folder.

    - New features:
    - Added progressbar test.
    - Added slidervertical test.
    - Added sliderhorizontal test.
    - Added scrollbarvertical test.
    - Added scrollbarhorizontal test.
    - Added superbitmap test.
    - Bumped version number to indicate feature completeness.

    Download Sorgente
    Download Demo

    mercoledì 19 maggio 2010

    DeSmuME 0.96


    Finalmente una nuova release per il DeSmuME, il miglior emulatore multipiattaforma per DS esistente.
    0.9.5 -> 0.9.6 (r3075-r3493)

    Users of gtk, cli and gtk-glade frontends please note that now we
    have a common directory in ~/.config/desmume for config file,
    saves and savestates. The old .desmume.ini will be moved
    automatically with the name config but you have to move your saves

    Some save files may be invalidated due to use of broken crc logic.
    Back up your DSV files before using this version of the emulator or else
    the game might wipe it.

    bug: emulate keypad interrupt
    bug: spu overhaul, add capture support
    bug: fix dma address reloading
    bug: fix rom close memory corruption
    bug: fix div and sqrt busy flag bug
    bug: fix vectest
    bug: fix lid savestate desync
    bug: fix texcache memory GB explosion when games use tons of tiny 3d sprites
    bug: fix huge rerecording movie file handle leak
    bug: fix EXXXXXXX cheat codes and some add/edit/save/load bugs
    bug: add 8MBit - 512MBit flash emulation
    bug: fix firmware booted-from-card flag
    bug: fix some failures to wake
    bug: fix some rtc calendar logic
    bug: op_bkpt emulation
    bug: correctly emulate POWCNT1 and POWCNT2 and SPI power device
    bug: corrections to bootup stack configuration
    bug: protect bios from being overwritten
    bug: initialize save data to 0xFF instead of 0x00
    bug: handle relocated irq vectors
    bug: support patched firmwares
    bug: handle 8bit auxspidata, 32bit BLDY, 32bit div regs
    bug: fix some divide by zero cases
    bug: don't print \n in ideas debug message
    bug: don't let games read off end of cart and crash emulator
    bug: fix SWI 0x0E crc16 ; some save files using wrong crc may be invalidated
    bug: fix many big endian bugs
    bug: fix CPSR.I idle wakeup
    bug: fix loadstate crashes, mostly when sound is enabled
    enh: support devkitpro argv
    enh: add gbaslot-rom commandline
    enh: add no$gba debug message
    enh: add rtc start to dsm header

    bug: fix a mistakenly rendered OBJ window and 3d blend effects
    bug: fixes to matrix stacks, fixing lots of garbled geometry
    bug: fix fog density registers
    bug: fix hblank dma to run also on scanline 262
    bug: fix w/z depth flags for broken GUIs in dual screen 3d games
    bug: fixes to poly sorting
    bug: block 8bit vram writes
    enh: improve accuracy of opengl shaders

    bug: fix 16bpp display
    bug: more fixes to multi-gamepads
    bug: cheat windows robustification
    bug: fix that sticky pause state when resetting and loading roms
    bug: dont crash when no sound device is available
    bug: change F10 to be save slot 0
    bug: fix --start-paused
    enh: try not to screensave while using gamepad
    enh: add EPX and EPX1.5X resize filters
    enh: add a japanese translation which will soon be stale like the others
    enh: add fancy ctrl+printscreen with emulator info on it
    enh: add "lockdown" window mode to keep window safe from fast stylus action
    enh: add alt+enter fullscreen command
    enh: add card eject command
    enh: add ddraw software mode forcer
    enh: improve oam viewer
    enh: default 3d to rasterizer so we dont have to suggest it 1000 times a day
    enh: add dump-all-memory tool
    enh: add reload rom menu/hotkey

    bug: fix building for nosse2 systems
    bug: fix --num-cores
    bug: fix occasional touchscreen failures
    bug: fix crash starting dsm record
    enh: add --nojoy=1 to fix laptops with accelerometers
    enh: add simple auto frameskip mode in the gtk frontend
    enh: add gui for configuring joystick in the gtk frontend
    enh: make the cli frontend read the ini config file too
    enh: additional OpenAL microphone backend (ncalexan)
    enh: common place for config and saves (Jan Steffens)
    enh: libagg is now optional if you don't need the hud

    Download Windows 32bit
    Download Windows 64bit
    Download Mac OSX
    Download Sorgente

    Come promesso, ecco il .deb per ubuntu & co.
    Download Ubuntu 10.04 64bit
    Funziona perfettamente in Lucid Linx a 64bit, non ne confermo il funzionamento su altre versioni.

    martedì 18 maggio 2010

    DualHexen (Dopefish version)

    DualHexen (Dopefish version)

    Dopefish ha rilasciato una versione modificata di DualHexen, un porting di Hexen per DS sviluppato Sektor, basato sul lavoro di Rich Whitehouse.
    Saving/Loading games (however savegames are not compatible with the PC version
    Inventory manipulation via the touchscreen:
    Touch the image of the active inventory item to use it.
    Touch the empty area just to the right of the item to bring up the inventory bar.
    Touch an item in the inventory bar to make it the active item.
    If you have more than 7 items in inventory, select the one at the edge to scroll, then return to your inventory.
    This interface could stand to be improved, but it is functional.
    Altered control configuration:
    A = fire
    B = use (i.e. open doors)
    Y = jump
    X = cycle weapons
    L = strafe left
    R = strafe right
    D-Pad = move forward/backwards, turn left/right
    Touchscreen = mouselook, inventory

    Per farlo funzionare avrete bisogno di mettere il file hexen.wad nella cartella /data/hexen/.
    P.s. il file hexen.wad deve provenire dalla versione completa del gioco, infatti quello della versione shareware non funziona.

    Sito ufficiale

    Supercard DSTwo EOS 1.0

    Supercard DSTwo

    Il team Supercard ha rilasciato la prima versione dell'eso dedicato alla Supercard DSTwo!
    Per ora non ci sono changelog (anche perchè è la prima versione), quindi mi limito a rimandarvi qua per le feature di questa nuovissima card.


    P.s. ha aperto anche il sito ufficiale, che potete trovare qua:

    lunedì 17 maggio 2010

    [Hot News] Supercard DSTWO disponibili!

    E' ora disponibile sul mercato la Supercard DSTWO! La potete compare QUI ad un prezzo davvero contenuto per la sue capacità e il suo processore interno da 200 MHz: su KickGaming solo  39.95 $ che equivalgono a circa 32€ secondo il cambio di oggi! Potete comprare la Supercard DSTWO  QUI, io l'ho già ordinata :) Vi ricordiamo alcune features:

    • New exclusive feature: Free Cheat function. During game play this will allow you to search for and enable various cheats and hacks, such as modifying your characters health.

    • New exclusive feature: Intelligent clean mode, which automatically detects memory card speed and save type.

    • New exclusive feature: No Patching needed.

    • RealTime Functions: RealTime Save, RealTime Game Guide (txt,bmp,jpg) & RealTime Cheat. (More stable and easy to use, cheat code compatible with R4 and DSTT now)

    • Real-time save slots increased to 4

    • Multi Saves (Upto 4 slots), makes it easy to backup and restore saves.

    • Exclusive built-in automatic detection of 3D game engine technology, stability is greatly enhanced

    • Unlimited MicroSD storage space support. SDHC support. FAT or FAT32.

    • Multiple languages (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish)

    • Built-in GBA & SNES Emulator.

    • New Hardware Control Action Slow Motion (Up to 4 levels).

    • File Management System (Copy, Paste, Cut and Delete, Perfect support for long file names).

    • Supports eBook (BMP, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, GIF, TXT, PDF).

    • Give up cheat-code slow motion game play method, improved use of CPU to do operations, "precise control of CPU speed" Achieving the action slowed down, stability/compatibility improved.

    • Hotkey user-defined.

    • Real-Time Game Guide will support txt formats without conversion, fonts are clear and beautiful

    • New UI interface design. Easier-to-use.

    • Advanced multimedia playback: native DivX/XviD playback as well as other major formats.

    Probabilmente quando cliccherete sul link le card saranno tutte finite infatti è una vera chiccha per amanti della scena hacking DS! :)

    domenica 16 maggio 2010

    M3 Sakura 1.47 X 3rd Edition

    Il Team M3 ha aggiornato l’M3 Sakura, firmware alternativo per M3i Zero e M3 Real. Changelog:
    Original system, run the engine update v4.8b X Games Report:
    1. Amendments "4809 - the adorable puppy DS3 (Japan)" avoid code measures, can now normal game;
    2. Solve the "4887 - Simple Chinese from scratch DS (Japan)," added the soft reset in case the game does not run properly the problem;
    3. Solve the "4893 - Ten Almighty DS (EU)" countermeasures to avoid the code and is not working immediately archived, can now normal game;
    4. Solve the "4894 - Love Star Revolution: Xiao Na at the side (EU)" can not properly use the real-time archiving issues;
    5. Solve the "4896 - fantastic birds evie (Japan)" The soft reset in case the game does not run properly the problem;
    6. Address "4897 - hazard Island DS (Korea)" can not evade the problems and countermeasures code normal use instant archiving, can now normal game;
    7. Solve the "4900 - Dragon Quest Monsters Posts Joker2 (Japan)" avoid code measures, can now normal game;
    8. Solve the "4903 - I did it mom! Girl articles (Japan)" The soft reset in case the game does not run properly the problem;
    9. Solve the "4904 - I did it mom! Boys article (Japan)" The soft reset in case the game does not run properly the problem;
    10. Solve the "4909 - Crazy pipe (Japan)" The soft reset in case the game does not run properly the problem;
    11. Solve the "4910 - Dream Tour (U.S.)" can not properly use the real-time archiving issues;
    12. Solve the "4913 - Small Lijia DS: girls of course (Japanese)" avoid code measures, can now normal game;
    13. Solve the "4914 - Fantasy Room (Japanese)" avoid code measures, can now normal game is;
    14. Solve the "4915 - Lao Manufacturing (Europe)" countermeasures to avoid the code as well as in the case of accession to the soft reset, the game does not run properly the problem;
    15. Solve the "4924 - Completion of the! Mom: Boy's Bear Toy Box (Japan)" The soft reset in case the game is not running properly the problem;
    16. Address "4928 - stereo drawing box (U.S.)" The soft reset in case the game does not run properly the problem;
    17. Solve the "4933 - Room 2 (U.S.)" countermeasures to avoid the code as well as in the case of accession to the soft reset, the game does not run properly the problem;
    18. Solve the "4942 - Game King 5D's: World champion 2010, the General Assembly, the recovery of Arcadia (South Korea)" countermeasures to avoid the code as well as in the case of accession to the soft reset, the game does not run properly the issues and can not be properly archived issues using real-time can now be normal game;
    * Official game compatibility verification support to the 4944 No. DS games ROM;
    * As of release date, there are four NDS game can not function properly, can not use the soft reset the game with 68 games can not use instant archive 111.
    ** Not normally compatible games are:
    4798 - Alice in Wonderland (Europe)
    4799 - Sonic Classics Collection (Europe)
    4837 - Sponge baby: bumper boats racing (Europe)
    4869-KORG DS-10 enhanced version of the (U.S.)
    Can not run the game the problem is still processing, may also be spread DUMP the ROM data network problems.


    sabato 15 maggio 2010

    R4 SDHC/R4i SDHC/R4i RTS v2.7b Kernel

    Come di consueto, il Team M3 dopo aver aggiornato il kernel per l'M3 e l'iTouch aggiorna anche quello della serie R4i RTS, R4i SDHC e R4 SDHC. Changelog:
    Giochi fixati

    • 4809 - Kawaii Koinu DS3 (JAP)

    • 4893 - Sports Island DS (EUR)

    • 4897 - MapleStory DS (KOR)

    • 4900 - Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 (JAP)

    • 4913 - Licca-Chan DS: Motto Onna no Ko Lesson (JAP)

    • 4914 - Rooms: Fushigi na Ugoku Heya (JAP)

    • 4915 - WarioWare: Do It Yourself (EUR)

    • 4928 - Picross 3D (USA)

    • 4933 - Dementium II (USA)

    • 4942 - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia (KOR)


    • 4887 - Zero Kara Kantan Chuugokugo DS (JAP)

    • 4896 - Ivy the Kiwi (JAP)

    • 4903 - Dekitayo Mama! Mitsugo no Kuma-San: Onna no Ko (JAP)

    • 4904 - Dekitayo! Mama, Wannyon Club: Otoko no Ko (JAP)

    • 4909 - Tsunagete! Pipe Mania (JAP)

    • 4915 - WarioWare: Do It Yourself (EUR)

    • 4924 - Dekitayo Mama! Mitsugo no Kuma-San: Otoko no Ko (JAP)

    • 4933 - Dementium II (USA)

    • 4942 - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia (KOR)


    • 4893 - Sports Island DS (EUR)

    • 4894 - Kilari ~Na-san, Mon Meilleur Ami~ (EUR)

    • 4897 - MapleStory DS (KOR)

    • 4910 - Dream Chronicles (USA)

    • 4942 - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia (KOR)

    Download (inglese)
    Sito ufficiale

    venerdì 14 maggio 2010

    Connect4 DS v0.96

    hoitjuh55 ha aggiornato Connect4, adattamento di un famoso gioco da tavolo per DS! Si può giocare contro la CPU o contro un vostro amico! Di seguito le parole dell'autore:

    Hello everyone
    i'd like to share my connect4 game!
    You can play against CPU or friend(1 ds)
    The CPU isn't ready yet, so he's quite easy!

    Suggestions are welcome, enjoy!


    CycloDS Evolution BETA Firmware vB.2


    Nuovo aggiornamento per la gui beta della CycloDS! In questa versione, oltre hai consueti fix, è stato inserito il supporto ai save da 32mb e altre modifiche alla gui.
    * Save sizes up to 32MB can now be specified individually per game
    * Pop-up menu is now accessible from the main menu by pressing Y while a bookmark is selected. This facilitates operations on the selected bookmark without first locating it in the game list
    * Added option to display last executed file in the bookmark list. Toggle option from the settings menu
    * Its now possible to customise the button combination to launch the last executed file, though the settings menu
    * Added the old cheat enable prompt as an option for those who prefer the old method of enabling cheat codes
    * Menu button is more responsive via touch screen
    * Revised the game list view modes - now there are simply 3 modes: ROM, file and recent. Big/small icons can be selected via the settings menu
    * Fixed functionality
    * Fixed cheat code clear all
    * Various small GUI bugs fixed
    * Game compatibility fixes (4856, 4868, 4883)

    Sito ufficiale

    giovedì 13 maggio 2010

    iTouchDS / iTouch2 Firmware 3.8b


    Il team GBALpha ha rilasciato un'update firmware per iTouchDS e per la iTouch2. Changelog:
    1.Solve the problem of adding the soft-rest function for Game 4887,4896,4903,4904,4909,4915,4924,4928,4933,4942
    2.Solve the problem of adding the RTS function for Game 4893,4894,4897,4910,4942
    3.Fix the compatibility of game 4809,4893,4897,,4900,4913,4914,4915,4933,4942
    (game tested up to 4944)


    M3 / M3i Zero / G6 DS REAL 4.8b X


    Il Team M3 ha aggiornato il Touchpod, OS “principale” per M3 Real, M3i Zero e G6 Real. Changelog:
    Change Log of 12-5-2010 4.8b x
    1.Solve the problem of adding the soft-rest function for Game 4887,4896,4903,4904,4909,4915,4924,4928,4933,4942
    2.Solve the problem of adding the RTS function for Game 4893,4894,4897,4910,4942
    3.Fix the compatibility of game 4809,4893,4897,,4900,4913,4914,4915,4933,4942
    (game tested up to 4944)


    SheepSOS v0.2

    sylux ha aggiornato l'homebrew-game SheepSOS, riadattamento di un enigma presente nel primo capitolo del Prof . Layton nella quale bisogna trasportare tutti gli animali dalla parte destra facendo in modo che le pecore non vengano mangiate dai lupi senza lasciare 2 lupi insieme ad 1 pecora. Changelog:
    0.2 :
    - Ajout d'un écran GameOver et Victoire
    - Changement des sprites
    - Correction d'un boggue avec les sprites lors d'un restart du jeu
    - Ajout d'un compteur de coups


    mercoledì 12 maggio 2010

    Wood RPG 1.07


    In contemporanea con il Wood R4, Yellow Wood Goblin aggiorna anche Wood RPG, un firmware alternativo per Acekard.
    Il changelog è lo stesso del Wood R4:

    • empty folders can be deleted.

    • rom titles fixed for german and italian language.

    • 'america's test kitchen
    • let's get cooking (usa)' fixed.
    • 'rooms - fushigi na ugoku heya (japan)' fixed.
    • 'warioware - do it yourself (europe)' fixed.
    • the sound distortion while saving on slow cards fixed in wariware games.
    • softreset in 'mario & sonic at the olympic winter games' fixed.
    • special features in 'imagine
    • champion rider' fixed.
    • 'dementium ii (usa)' fixed.
    • 'yu-gi-oh! 5d's
    • stardust accelerator
    • world championship 2010 (korea)' fixed.
    • 'figure princess (korea)' fixed.


    Wood R4 1.07


    Yellow Wood Goblin aggiorna alla versione 1.07 Wood R4, un firmware alternativo per la R4.
    In questa release fixa alcuni giochi e qualche bug.

    • empty folders can be deleted.

    • rom titles fixed for german and italian language.

    • 'america's test kitchen
    • let's get cooking (usa)' fixed.
    • 'rooms - fushigi na ugoku heya (japan)' fixed.
    • 'warioware - do it yourself (europe)' fixed.
    • the sound distortion while saving on slow cards fixed in wariware games.
    • softreset in 'mario & sonic at the olympic winter games' fixed.
    • special features in 'imagine
    • champion rider' fixed.
    • 'dementium ii (usa)' fixed.
    • 'yu-gi-oh! 5d's
    • stardust accelerator
    • world championship 2010 (korea)' fixed.
    • 'figure princess (korea)' fixed.

    r4 specific:
    • mp3 playback in moonshell2 fixed.
    • r4 hardware supports only an 8 megabyte save size. added workaround for warioware games. problems with music and comics should be gone.
    • 'children of mana' game has a bug that causes random freeze at 1st startup on slow cards. fixed.


    lunedì 10 maggio 2010

    msxDS 0.8.2


    Popolon ha aggiornato msxDS un emulatore che vi permette di emulare sul vostro DS l’msx, l’msx2 e l’msx2+. Changelog:

    • Compiled with devkitARM r30 and Libnds 1.4.3+.

    • Fixed a bug in the management of color 0 for screen 6 mode.

    • Added a filter to improve the display quality of high resolution modes.

    • There are now three sound modes (PSG at 40Khz, PSG+SCC at 22Khz, PSG+FM at 8Khz).

    • Fixed the path of instant save file that was saved by mistake at the root.

    • The selection of cartridges, MSX type and sound mode is blocked when the MSX is turned ON.

    • Improved change of display mode.


    DSx86 v0.12 Beta


    Patrick Aalto ha rilasciato una nuova versione beta per DSx86, emulatore DOS per DS. Changelog:
    New EGA 640x350x16 and VGA 640x480x16 graphics modes.
    The NDS shoulder buttons scroll the zoomed screen left/right (as before) when not already at the edge, and up/down after that.
    Fixed Master of Orion SB digital audio problems.
    Changed EGA text output to use INT43 vector (fixes text problems in Space Quest I, etc).
    Fixed EGA Read Mode 1 handling (DOUBOLO).
    Improved EGA palette handling (ZOOL).
    Fixed WC2 savegame handling, which was broken by the DUNE2 savegame handling fix. They call the same DOS function, but expect it to behave differently. Argh!
    Added support for INT03 (see previous blog post) and INTO (overflow interrupt).
    Implemented Mode-X VGA offset handling (Alien Breed, Traffic Department 2192).
    Implemented diskette motor counter handling to INT8 (should fix Civilization hang problem).
    Added about a dozen new EGA graphics opcodes.
    Added about a dozen new Mode-X graphics opcodes.
    Added support for several new DOS and Mouse interrupts.
    Added support for several new I/O ports.
    Added most of the previously missing characters to the 6x8 text mode font.
    Attempt to avoid writing duplicate entries to the debug log.
    Ignore SB Direct DAC output for now, pending proper implementation.


    sabato 8 maggio 2010

    DScovered3 2.0 28/04/10

    Spinal ha aggiornato DSCovered (aka DSision3), un fantastico loader di Homebrew e Backup. Di seguito il Changelog:
    update 28/04/10
    -= DS app =-
    Added Stylus controls - drag left/right to scroll, dragg of top of screen to load.
    Added loader_r4wood.nds for Xenon++ build of R4Wood.

    -= Windows app =-
    Slight layout change
    Added cover downloading.


    NDS Plasma

    Anya Therese B. Lope ha rilasciato NDS Plasma, il suo primo progetto per DS che riproduce l'effetto plasma.. Di seguito le parole dell'autore:
    A translucent plasma on the NDS screen. My first NDS application! To run this on a PC(windows or DOS) you need an emulator: As usual source included. ;*)


    giovedì 6 maggio 2010

    NitroGrafx 0.5

    Flubba ha aggiornatoe NitroGrafx che giunge alla versione 0.5, esso è un
    emulatore PC-Engine/TurboGrafx16 per il DS! Changelog:
    Finally added CD-ROM audio through the use of .bin/.cue files, make sure to read the CDROM_readme.txt file for how to rip your CD games correctly.
    *Added support for CD-ROM images in .bin/.cue format.
    *Added support CD audio playing.


    Pokemon Battle 0.72

    Blabla ha rilasciato un minor update il suo homebrew-game RPG dedicato ai Pokemon.
    Questo homebrew è programmato in lua, perciò avrete bisogno di micro lua
    v3 o di nano lua. Changelog:

    VERSION 0.72
    Ajout de L'Anglais,de L'Espagnol,de L'Allemand et de
    L'Italien (Par Google)
    Si il y a des erreurs de traduction , merci
    de me contactez par mail ( ou ici.

    DOWNLOAD via 4Shared

    iDeaS v1.0.3.5 Windows

    Ideas E' stata rilasciato la versione Finale dell'iDeaS  per Windows, esso è uno dei migliori emulatori per DS! Changelog:
    * Fixed a bug in debug window.
    * Fixed a bug in dmas latency.
    * Fixed a bug in cpu emulation.
    * Fixed a bug in OAM rendering.
    * Fixed a bug in Mode0 rendering.
    * Added Use DMAs latency option.


    mercoledì 5 maggio 2010

    Belle & brutte notizie per la Supercard DSTwo

    [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="346" caption="(premi sull'immagine per ingrandire)"]Supercard DSTwo[/caption]

    Buone notizie per chi attendeva la Supercard DSTwo, pare infatti che il team ha finito di creare le prime card e ha iniziato a spedirle.
    Ovviamente bisogna attendere qualche giorno/settimana per le spedizioni, ma finalmente la card è entrata in commercio.

    L'immagine che vedete qua sopra appartiene ad una delle prime card inviate, che possiamo vedere nel nuovissimo look "black". Da notare l'assenza di un flasher per aggiornare il firmware.

    E ora passiamo alle brutte notizie. Stando a quanto riportato dalla stessa persona che ha ricevuto la card che vedete in foto, il firmware non è assolutamente stabile e completo. Inoltre pare che l'emulatore SNES non sia incluso (perchè non completo), che la riproduzione di file multimediali sia stata affidata a Moonshell (che fra l'altro non funziona neanche bene) e che l'emulatore GBA sia semplicemente quello della iPlayer con una skin più carina.
    Insomma, tanto rumore per niente? Io non credo, ma penso che sia ingiustificabile vendere una card (annunciata svariati mesi fa) con un firmware non completo e stabile quando di tempo per programmarlo ce ne era molto.

    lunedì 3 maggio 2010

    STO Game

    STO Game

    Saifi Boïnali, Tamouze Arnaout & Omar Meradi hanno rilasciato la prima beta di STO Game, un homebrew per DS sviluppato come progetto di scuola.
    Ci sono due versioni di questo homebrew, la "Sai version" & la "Tam version", che differiscono fra di loro solo per il personaggio.
    Le parole degli autori:
    STO is a student project. It is a prototype of nintendo DS game made with PAlib librarie for C and C++.

    Download "Sai version"
    Download "Tam version"

    Catch The Diamond DS Remix

    Gamer4Life ha rilasciato una versione alternativa di Catch The Diamond, homebrew-game nella qualedovremo prendere tutti i diamanti. L'homebrew è stato sviluppato con DSGameMaker. Le Parole dell'Autore:
    After much time, my project is now finished. When you play this, compare it to the original. Many, many much better changes. Each time you touch the diamond, you earn one point. Every 100 points you gain one life. There are 3 difficulties, each varying with base lives and score needed to up the speed. I'm really proud of this, and I hope it makes it on the games page. If it needs improvements, I'll gladly do whatever is needed to make it. Please play and rate!


    ScummVM DS 1.1.1


    AgentQ ha aggiornato ScummVM DS, emulatore
    delle vecchie avventure punta e clicca. Changelog
    * Bugfix release: no new features

    Lista Giochi Supportati:
    Build A:
    Manic Mansion
    Zak McKracken and the Alien
    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
    Passport to
    The Secret of Monkey Island
    Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's
    Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
    Day of the Tentacle
    & Max Hit the Road
    Bear Stormin' (DOS version only)
    Bear's Birthday Surprise (DOS version only)
    Fatty Bear's Fun Pack
    (DOS version only)
    Putt-Putt's Fun Pack (DOS version only)
    Goes to the Moon (DOS version only)
    Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (DOS
    version only)

    Build B:
    Beneath a Steel Sky
    Flight of the
    Amazon Queen

    Build C:
    Simon the Sorcerer 1/2
    Elvira 1/2
    (Amiga version only)

    Build D:
    Sierra AGI games
    Gobliiins 1
    - 3
    Bargon Attack
    Ween: The Prophecy
    Future Wars
    Lost in

    Build E:
    Inherit the Earth

    Build F:
    Kyrandia 1

    Lure of the Temptress

    Build H:
    Nippon Safes



    sabato 1 maggio 2010

    Chapas GP v0.2

    Jovin ha aggiornato Chapas GP, un'homebrew-game di corse automobilistiche per DS.